Kurinost - Butch Cassidy and the Never Sun Kid
17 Hiddumont 348 AC
Grotto scoffs at the dirty looks and murmurs. "Racist @$$ elves, just when i thought my friends change my mind you locals make me think otherwise!" Grotto says to the party.
Grotto breaks away from the group to look through the shops. Grotto looks for healing and first aid materials. "Gonna have to heal my brothers the old fashioned way at this rate if we can't get some sort of magic" Grotto says to the group as he walks away.
The great cleric of Hanseath find himself with feelings he hasn't felt since his captivity. A feeling of fear and uncertainty. The war priest's head hangs low, shoulders slumped. He fears the next battle may incur great losses if he is unable to heal his friends. A knot forms in Grotto's throat as he choaks back tears thinking of more loss in his life. "Not again!" Grotto says loudly as he walks into the next shop to ask about supplies.
Grotto parts ways to allow the halfling to pass. "Not my problem to sort out," Grotto says to the group.
Ra’ziir begins making his way toward the waterfront, walking along the right hand side of the boulevard. The shops he passes are currently void of proprietors, as they are presumably part of the halfling-chasing mob. He soon finds himself in front of what should be Corym's fish shop. It bears all of the standard trappings one would expect, nautical decor like old nets, wooden barrels, crab traps, and the like. The heavy smell of salt, fish, and woodsmoke comes from within. Looking inside, Ra’ziir sees a elven male with the typical blond hair of the Silvanesti wearing a leather apron pulling fish from an oven and wrapping them in waxed paper.
Ra’ziir waits for the rest of the party to catch up. As he does, the black robed Elf takes in the scene on the waterfront. He scans the ships moored to the piers and anchored in the Bay, looking for anything that stands out and recalling his time at sea.
Kysek, seeing the halfling running towards them, thinks for only a moment. He then says, “Did Romulus get Raven's bracers working a little too well? This merry little fellow seems to be in trouble.” He steps to intercept the halfling as he flees and inquires, “What did you do? Quickly and honestly or I hand you to the mob?”
The little fellow ducks into the main mass of the party, his broad smile, unchanged. "I was just looking at the pastry cart! I have No Idea how the blueberry pie ended up in my pouch but when I found it there I thought it would be a Terrible Thing to waste such a delicious-looking treat. Next thing I knew, there was a bunch of people screaming, "Stop, thief! Since everyone was running in this direction, I figured I would do my part to help out and joined the chase. Only problem is, I haven't got a clue as to what the thief looks like!" The halfling extends a hand, "Cassidy Greenbean, at your service!" He beams up at the elf, his fruit-smeared smile continuing to stretch from ear to ear.
Ornforithalas and all of his scouts begin clutching at their pouches, belt daggers, and other small items to make sure that they are well secured on their persons.
Arthur stays back, waiting to see what is about to happen and after seeing the elves' reactions, watches the crowd while also taking inventory of his belongings.
Kysek; an experienced thief pays close attention to his own belongings. He looks at the halfling and says, “You stole from them. They make their living from what you partook. You need to make this right.”
Cassidy looks offended. "I have never stolen a thing in my life," he replies indignantly, "Stealing is bad. Only bad people steal."
While the halfling is busy talking and looking offended, Kysek slips one of the pouches from the halfling's belt. Peeking inside, he finds a guitar pick, a couple of battered feathers, some shiny rocks, a seashell, a half-eaten apple, and a handful of bent copper coins.
Cassidy's face brightens. "Oh Wow! I had a pouch just like that once! A close and personal friend gave it to me. You guys must shop at the same store," he nearly cheers, clapping his hands excitedly.
By this point, the pursuing mob has caught up. They see Ornforithalas and demand that Cassidy be taken into custody. The halfling holds up his hands, "The elves have the nicest prisons. They let me stay in one every time I come to town!"
Shadow has stood by quietly and watched this all play out. Many quirks and replies came to mind but he was enjoying the show a bit too much to stop it. As it appears to be winding down he says “Mr. Greenbean, how was the pie?” Before he can answer he continues “I would fancy a pie as well.” He turns to the crowd “Who sells pies? I would like to buy two. One for me and the one for Mr. Greenbean. Who will now be in debt to a very nasty Drow Elf.” Shadow reaches over and grabs scamp by the shoulder and pull him in close but not threatening. “Allow me to take care of this little pupper.”
"Just Cassidy is fine. Mr. Greenbean is my father. Why is your skin so dark? Are you from Ergoth? I have a map of Ergoth somewhere in my pack. Also, the pie was quite good. I hope they find the thief who stole the missing one. It reminds me of the ones my Auntie Petunia used to make. Ooooh! You have an iguana! Does he eat flies? Is he a he? Or do you respect his, or her, privacy? Also, what is a Drow Elf? Also, what is a pupper?"
Cedron observes the banter of the Cassidy and the remediation of Shadow and Kysek. He gives the halfling’s face a gentle swipe with his finger removing a bit of the jam and gives it a taste. “Delicious!” He declares. “I must have one for myself. Trail rations have left me very unsatisfied.”
Cedron engages the pie maker while Shadow offers payment for the stolen pie. “Do you have one or two more sale?” He pulls forth a few coppers from his blue coat.
While all of this is going on, the pie-maker identifies himself and collects a payment of two copper coins for his purloined pies and two more from Cedron and departs, eyes constantly going from the coins in his hands to the "halfling" and back as if he is afraid that they will somehow vanish.
Ornforithalas sends two of his scouts back to find the guardsmen encountered back by the gate with orders to inform them that a Kender has been detained by the group.
"Well, Cassidy, let’s chat while we put some distance between us and the pie warriors.” As they walk Shadow introduces the rest of the group and tries to explain that the group is from another world entirely before asking if Cassidy would like to pet Spewer. “Would you like to go on real adventure with us?”
As soon as the question leaves Shadow's lips, two thingshappen. Cassidy squeals joy and Ornforithalas nearly faints. The elven guard captain stutters, "N-n-no. Not that. Please, don't invite the KENDER along! You have no idea what you are doing!"
Cassidy begins jumping up and down. "I'm going on an adventure!"
“It seems we all are…” Shadow trails off as the reactions of the others informs him of what he suspected. But it will be interesting. Kender, what is that some kind of slang he thinks to himself. “It is going to be fun isn’t it, Butch?” He calls him by this other name knowing it is not correct and before he can be corrected he says ““Butch” Cassidy and the “Never Sundance Kid” we will be famous! Bards will sing our names and ladies will dampen the candles.” He looks down at the Kender and says “They call me Shadow and this is Spewer.”
Cassidy laughs, "You know, 'Butch Cassidy and the Never Sun Kid' rolls off of the tongue better."
Ornforithalas rolls his eyes. "If we are keeping 'Butch' with us instead of putting him in jail where he belongs, then we should catch up to Ra’ziir and Grotto before anything else can go wrong."
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