Kurinost - A Kender Appears
17 Hiddumont 348 AC
The dwarf's comments draw looks of disdain from elves close enough to hear his words but none make any reply.
Shadow moves to the head of the party and addresses the watchnen, “My companions and I are going fishing. Could you please recommend a good guide service?”
“Fishing indeed!” Cedron joins in with Shadow. “Fishing and maybe hot meal followed closely by a warm bath.”
Ornforithalas joins Shadow and Cedron. The young guardsman snaps to attention. "You heard them. We need a ship and you are about to give us directions to one for hire."
Ra’ziir folds his hands into the deep sleeves of his black robes. From the shadows of the hood, violet eyes stare through the boy as the Eldritch Knight stands with the party and awaits entry.
The younger elf swallows, "Y-y-yes sir, it's just that there are no ships that hire out for passengers. But, if you continue down this boulevard and turn right when you reach the waterfront. The third shop belongs to our corporal's brother-in-law." A guard in the back raises a hand to signal the captain, "That's right, sir. His name is Corym. Let him know that Rhistel's brother sent you and he'll help you with whatever you need."
Kysek noticing the stares of the onlookers slightly cocks his head to the right and smiles ever so delicately. “I knew I looked good; but you all are going to make me blush with all this attention.”
The group rounds the corner onto the waterfront only to see a halfling male racing down the center street, belt pouches bouncing wildly as he flees from what appears to be a small mob of assorted fishermen and dockworkers armed with a variety of tools, pans, and rolling pins. He sees the party and makes a beeline toward them, his shaggy brown hair flying in the breeze, a long stick with a Y-shaped fork in one end and a wide smile spread across a face that appears to smeared with jelly.
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