Demon Bear Lake and the Nexus of All Realities

A few months ago, my girlfriend took her sister, youngest brother, and our dogs hiking at Bean and Bear Lakes.  When she told me, I thought she said “Demon Bear Lake” and that that was one of the Most Metal Names for a Lake Ever.  It also got me to thinking that based on its name alone, Demon Bear Lake should exist in pretty much every campaign setting from now until the end of time.

For your consideration, I present the following options should you decide to incorporate Demon Bear Lake into your campaign.

The Stormriver Dwarf Clan mines iron from the low granite ridges surrounding their outpost of Iron Bay on the shores of Lake Grimjaw.  One-hundred eighty-eight dwarves toil in the earth to harvest, smelt, and refine the ore before shipping it back to their parent stronghold Khoraldrum.  This settlement is young, with nearly all of its structures located on the surface since the mines have not been excavated enough to move everyone underground yet.

There are few services offered in the outpost to endear it to outsiders.  There are three taverns; the Third Shift, Ye Olde Blue Dragon, and the Unlucky Goblin, one small inn called Magmar’s Rest, and a handful of shops that sell food, tools, clothing, and leather gear to people passing through the area.  Most of the buildings in town, its few streets, and nearly all of its inhabitants are covered with a fine coat of soot, giving Pepper Siosp (N Gnome female), the local washerwoman plenty of opportunities to practice her trade.  Still, on occasion, trappers, fur traders, and lakemen will visit the outpost to trade goods and stories with the dwarves.

Iron Bay (Hamlet)
Conventional government; LN,
100 gp limit; Assets: 900 gp
Population: 188 (Isolated, 173 dwarves, 4 humans, 2 halflings, 1 elf, 1 gnome)
Authority Figures: Councilman Boris Bloodbeard (LN Dwarf male Commoner 13), Constable Michael Bolter (LG Human male Fighter 3); Agate Copperfist (NE Dwarf male Cleric of Abbathor 9 – poses as LN Cleric of Dumathoin)
Other Notable Figures: Pepper Siosp (N Gnome female Rogue 10), “Beertap” Kegspinner (CN Dwarf male Expert 8, owner of the Unlucky Goblin and a master brewer of ales and meads); Eldrallein Cloudhaven (NE Elf male Wizard 12)

A local legend says that a monstrous beast lives in the woods covering the ridges around the outpost – a demonic bear that haunts the shores of a much smaller lake about six miles inland from Iron Bay.

The stories, while often exaggerated, are true.

Option 1: The Fiendish Grizzly
This brute is the result of the bizarre magical experiments of a wizard that took place almost 50 years ago.  Blood extracted from a fiend of the Lower planes was transfused into the veins of a pregnant brown bear in the hope that the resulting newborns could be trained as ferocious guardian beasts.  Despite some initial success, the bears turned on their trainer, killed him, and escaped into the woods.

Fiendish Brown Bear   CR5
CE Large Magical Beast
Init: +1; Senses: Listen +4, Spot +7; Low-Light Vision, Scent
Languages: - -
AC: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 Natural); t: 10, ff: 14
Hp: 5 (6HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3

Spd: 40’ (8 squares)
Melee +11 2 Claws: 1d8+8, Melee +6 Bite: 2d6+4
Base Atk: +4; Grap +16
Str 27, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6
SA: Improved Grab, Smite Good (1/day, +6 dmg vs good-aligned foe)
SQ: Darkvision 60’, DR5/magic, Low-Light Vision, Resistance to Cold and Fire 5, Scent, SR11
Feats: Endurance, Run, Track
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +12

Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary or Solitary female with 1d3 cubs
Advancement: 7-10 (Large)

AD&D stats
“Fiendish” Brown Bear
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very Rare (increases to Uncommon near Demon Bear Lake)
Organization: Solitary or Family
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Low
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: CE
No. Appearing: 1 or 1d4
AC: 6
MV: 12
HD: 5+5
Hp: 33
Saves: PPD: 11; RSW 13, PP: 12, BW: 13, Sp: 14
THAC0: 15
# Att: 1
Dmg: 1d6 (Claws) or 1d8 (Bite)
SA: Hug, Smite Good (1/day, deals +5 dmg vs good-aligned opponents)
SD: Hit only by +1 or better weapons
Magic Resistance: 5%
ML: Elite (13-14)
Xp Value: 2,000

If the Bear hits with a paw attack with an 18 or better, it will also hug for 2d8 additional damage.  Brown bears will fight for an additional 1d4 rounds after reaching 0 to -8hp.  At -9 or less, they are killed immediately.

Option 2: Agate Copperfist and Eldrallein Cloudhaven have been working together for the last several years to “skim” off of the collection plates that are passed around during church services.  Agate funnels coin to Eldrallein who converts the cash into gems and other easily transported wealth.  They are planning to skip town soon, making a getaway before they can be caught.  Neither wants to be implicated in the thefts so they store the wealth near the shores of Demon Bear Lake and have summoned a guardian yugoloth to defend it.  An alarm spell has been placed on the site that will alert the two swindlers if their loot is disturbed and they will rush to aid their guardian creature in its defense.  Statistics for Agate and Eldrallein will not be provided here as you, the DM will be able to choose skills, feats, and treasure as befitting in your campaign.

This brings us to my favorite option, #3 – the Nexus of All Realities.  In this instance, Demon Bear Lake is one of an infinite number of focal points for the Nexus, a cross-dimensional gateway to any and all possible realities (a.k.a. Alternate Prime Material Planes).  It is unknown if it was created by some powerful being or if it is just the one place in all of the multiverse where all realities intersect.

The Nexus is protected by the Man-Thing.  His large, shaggy and tendril-covered body and glowing red eyes give him the rough appearance a demonic bear in poor lighting.  Note, if you do not want to use Man-Thing, you can substitute a Shambling Mound that regenerates 5 hp/round that can use Entangle and Control Water as spell-like abilities 1/day.

Man-Thing (formerly Dr. Theodore “Ted” Sallis)     CR: 14
N Large Humanoid/Plant Hybrid Metahuman 12
Init: -1; Senses: Listen +8, Spot +8
Languages: Understands English
AC: 8 (-1 size, -1 Dex); t: 8, ff: 8
Energy: 45
Hp: 212 (12HD)
Immune: See below
Fort +19, Ref +4, Will +12

Spd: 30’ (6 squares)
Melee +7/+2 Unarmed Strike: 1d4+8 nonlethal
Or Melee Touch +7 Acid Touch: 7d8+1 Acid (Fort ½ DC19)
Base Atk: +9; Grap +26
Str 27, Dex 9, Con 36, Int 4, Wis 21, Cha 9

SA: Mutant Abilities
SQ: Plant Traits, Mutant Abilities

Feats: Adrenal Strength, Awesome Presence, Ferocity, Greater Power Focus (Acid Touch) (b), Improved Grapple (b), Improved Unarmed Strike, Improvised Weapon Proficiency, Power Focus (Acid Touch) (b)

Skills: Escape Artist +4, Hide -1, Intimidate +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +3, Sense Motive +15, Spot +8

Height: 7’     Weight: 500 lbs.     Eyes: Red     Hair: None
Appearance: The Man-Thing appears as a roughly humanoid mass of vegetable matter made of leaves, sticks, and other tendrils with large hands.

• Damage Reduction (bonus from Brawn and Elongation): Because his body isn’t entirely solid, but composed of the muck and vegetable matter of the swamp, fists, bullets, knives, etc., will either pass through him or will be harmlessly lodged within his body.  This gives him DR6 vs all physical attacks.
• Improved Brawn: (+20 Str), uses the lower of Dex or Str to determine attack bonus, Carrying Capacity: 692/1,3875/2,080 (just over 1 ton)
• Standard Elongation: Due to the construction of his body, the Man-Thing is able to ooze through small openings or around obstacles that would seem too small for him to fit.  The smaller the opening, the longer it takes for him to reorganize his mass upon reaching the far side.
  • Reducer: “Oozing” only
• Standard Empathy: Range: Close (25’ + 5’/2 levels); Energy cost: 0, Persistent; The Man-Thing is able to detect emotions in others despite having none himself.  He remains inert unless reacting to outside emotion.  Mild or positive emotions cause him to become curious and he will move to observe.  Violent emotions like rage and especially fear, causes his body to produce fuming sulfuric acid that causes severe burns when in contact with the flesh of emoting beings.
  • Amplifier: Persistent
  • Reducer: The Man-Thing takes no actions except in response to outside emotion.
• Ultra Energy Blast – Acid Touch: Range: Touch; Energy cost: 1; Duration: Instantaneous
  • Reducer: Decreased Range: Range is reduced to touch
• Reducer: Linked to Empathy: This power only functions if the Man-Thing has detected fear in his target.
• Standard Life Support: Man-Thing does not breathe, eat, or drink.  He was once dependent on the swamp he inhabits for his continued survival and his body would slowly weaken and lapse into dormancy if he left or he would be greatly damaged if exposed to clean water.  His exposure to a water treatment plant greatly enhanced his ability to leave the swamp as he became a self-contained ecosystem feeding off of his own waste products.
• Improved Meta-Wisdom; Gains an inherent +8 to Wisdom, Will is always a Favored save, regardless of Class
• Standard Regeneration
 • Amplifier: Regrowth: Even if a vast portion of the Man-Thing’s body is ripped away or incinerated, he is able to reconstitute himself by drawing the necessary material from the surrounding vegetation.
 • Reducer: Regrowth only, the Man-Thing does not regenerate hit points.  The ability only allows him to regrow destroyed parts of himself.


• Obvious Mutant
• Physical Limitation: Cannot speak, was briefly able to communicate using the language of X'zelzi'ohr , the universal language but this ability has degraded over time.
• Only Semi-sentient: The Man-Thing is barely aware of his past or surroundings and is unable to form long-term memories.

The Nexus can appear in almost any location but it seems to most often be located in swamps – The Florida Everglades in the Earth-616 Universe.  Therefore, it seems likely that it could be located in The Vast Swamp, the Marsh of Chelimber, of the Farsea Marsh in the Forgotten Realms, the Cold Marshes or Gnatmarsh of Oerth, and so on.  On Earth-218, the Nexus is located in the Cache River State Natural Area outside of Chicago.


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