Apocalypse Cow

This NPC was inspired by the 2001 TV-adaption of “The Tick”.  Apocalypse Cow was an ordinary Holstein Dairy Cow until just a year ago.  That was when cultists “cow”-napped her and attempted to sacrifice her to the fiendish Baphomet.  The cultists botched the rite and accidentally summoned one of the demon lord’s servitors who possessed the cow, causing its transformation into its current state.  I incorporated her into my MSH campaign (and then later converted her to d20 for compatibility with my current campaign) and sent her on a rampage through the city of San Francisco.  She was eventually stopped through the combined efforts of Char (who you may be familiar with from other stories on this blog), Rex (a Dr. Frank-N-Furter cosplayer with growth powers), and the Mani-Yak (a Hiroshima survivor transformed into a half-man/half-yak hybrid).

Apocalypse Cow (formerly known as Beatrice, possessed by the demon Qemuel)
Female Upright Fiendish Bovine (Holstein Cow/Mutant)
CE Magical Beast
Init: +0, Senses: Listen +7, Spot +7, Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Abyssal and Common
AC: 12 (-2 size, +0 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 8, ff: 12, DR9/magic
Hp: 51 (7HD)
Energy: 21
Immune: - -
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5

Spd: 35’ (7 squares)
Melee +17 Gore: 2d8+24
Meleee +17 Bite 2d6+8
Ranged Touch +5 Fire Jets: 5d6 half-fire/half-unholy

Combat Gear: - -

Str: 42, Dex: 10, Con: 16, Int: 5, Wis: 11, Cha: 4

SA: Mutant Abilities, Stampede, Smite Good
SQ: Cold/Fire Resistance 5; Darkvision 60’, DR5/magic; Low-Light Vision, Scent, SR12

Feats: Alertness; Endurance; Improved Natural Attack (Gore)

Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7

Possessions: Gold Nose Ring (10-gp value), Cowbell

Height: 35’4”    Weight: 6,656 lbs.    Hair: Black and White    Eyes: Yellow
Appearance: Apocalypse Cow is a 35’ tall black and white Holstein Cow that walks upright on her hind legs and projects fire from her teats.  Her eyes gleam with a hellish yellow light.

• Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); Evolved Metabolism (+4 bonus on their initial Energy scores), LA +1; Gains Metahuman as a preferred class for multiclass purposes
• Racial Abilities: Upright Fiendish Cattle (7 racial HD); Cold/Fire Resistance 5; Darkvision 60’, DR5/magic; Low-Light Vision, Scent, Smite Good, Stampede, SR12
• Smite Good (Su): 1/day, can make an attack that deals an additional +7 damage to good-aligned creatures
• Stampede (Ex): If Apocalypse Cow charges, she deals 1d12 damage to every Large or smaller creature in her path (Ref DC29 ½).


• Improved Growth: Apocalypse Cow is huge, standing 35’ tall.  She grew to this massive size after she was possessed by a demonic servant of Baphomet.  This grants her +20 bonus to Strength and movement rate and gives her DR4 vs all attacks (stacks with racial DR).
  Reducer: Persistent

• Improved Energy Blast (Fire): Long range; Energy cost: 1 – When Apocalypse Cow uses this ability, fire pours forth from her teats. The flames are intense streams of hellfire and reek of brimstone. 

• Standard Damage Reduction (Fire only): Apocalypse Cow has DR 12 vs fire-based attacks of all types (Stacks with racial fire resistance).

AD&D statistics
Apocalypse Cow
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Low
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: CE
No. Appearing: 1
AC: 6
MV: 15
HD: 7
Hp: 44
Saves: PPD: 10; RSW 12, PP: 11, BW: 12, Sp: 13
THAC0: 13 (but gains +7 to hit/+14 damage from high Strength)
# Att: 1
Dmg: 2d8 (Gore) or 2d6 (Bite)
SA: Fire Jets (5d6 fire damage, save vs bw for ½)
SD: Half damage from cold and gas, no damage from fire or poison, hit only by +1 or better weapons
Magic Resistance: 5%
ML: Champion (15-16)
Xp Value: 3,000


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