Playing Card Soldiers

Playing Card Soldiers form the elite Royal Guard of the Red and White Queens in Wonderland.  They prefer to use their duo-dimension ability to render themselves unseen, move into position, become visible and attack, and then turn sideways to disappear before they can be counterattacked.

Playing Card Soldiers
CR: 6
Male Anthromorphic Playing Card Fighter 6
N Medium Humanoid
Init: +7, Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common
AC: 15 (+3 Dex, Leather Armor); t: 13; ff: 12; -1 ACP
Hp: 44 (6HD)
Immune: see below
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Spd: 30’ (6 squares)

Melee +9/+4 Halberd: 1d10+5
Ranged +9 Heavy Crossbow: 1d10
Combat Gear: Leather Armor, Halberd, Heavy Crossbow w/ 10 bolts

Str: 15, Dex: 16, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 10

SA: - -
SQ: Duo-Dimensionality

Feats: Dodge (b); Improved Initiative (b); Mobility; Spring Attack; Toughness; Weapon Focus (Halberd) (b); Weapon Specialization (Halberd) (b)
Skills: Climb +7, Intimidate +5, Jump +7, Swim +5

Possessions: Combat Gear

Height: 5’6” (average)     Weight: 50 lbs. (average)     Hair: None     Eyes: Black
Appearance: Playing Card Soldiers look like man-sized playing cards.  They are marked with the standard set of suits and numbers found in a regular deck.  They commonly carry halberds and heavy crossbows.

• Duo-Dimensionality (Ex): Playing Card Soldiers only have two dimensions: height and width, with no depth.  They are invisible when they turn sideways.  This invisibility can only be detected with True Seeing or similar means.  In addition, they can pass through the thinnest of spaces as long as they are of the proper height.  The Playing Card Soldiers can perform all actions normally.  He can turn, become invisible, move in this state, reappear and attack, and disappear on their next action.  While turned, the soldier cannot be affected by any form of attack, but when visible takes double damage (so a dagger would cause 2d4 damage instead of 1d4).


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