Fifty State Initiative Badges

On Earth- 218, after the events of the Superhuman Civil War, the US Congress passed the Fifty State Initiative, wherein each state would receive a government-sponsored team of superhumans for civil defense.

The New Tetris Team Badge for the Fifty-State Initiative is a shield shaped patch with a stylized image of Seattle's Space Needle in black on a white background. The team's name runs down the left side of the badge with the words "Fifty State" running up the opposite side.

In addition to serving as the team's official insignia, the badge houses an encrypted transmitter/receiver that links all of the team's radio communications. Unbeknownst to the team members, the badge also has a homing beacon that S.H.I.E.L.D can use to track their location. The badges can also be remotely triggered to deliver an electric shock capable of stunning some of the most durable superhumans (Fort DC25 or stunned 1d4 rounds) should they "go rogue".


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