Rocket Raccoon

On Earth-218, Rocket is a member of the Avengers.  Based in New York City, he serves as one of their resident tech experts and offers ranged support to his comrades in combat situations.  In this world's history, Rocket was an "abandoned" test subject of the Weapon Plus Program - discarded when his creators found him unsuitable for their purposes.  He managed to survive and, after several misadventures, joined the Avengers as a full-fledged member when the Fifty-State Initiative was enacted.  He often finds himself in trouble for his outspoken opinions and politically insensitive statements.  He is an accomplished pilot, a brilliant technician, expert marksman, and master of improvisation, capable of cobbling together makeshift devices at the spur of the moment, even during combat situations alongside the Avengers.

Rocket Raccoon (a.k.a Subject 89P13)
Male Raccoon (Genetically Modified, Cybernetic) Expert 7/Warrior 6
CG Small Humanoid
Init +5, Senses: Listen +3, Scent +13, Search +14, Spot +13, Low-Light Vision, Scent
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English, understands Flora Colossus
AC: 19 (Light Combat Armor, +5 Dex; +1 size); t: 16; ff: 14, -2 ACP
Hp: 133 (13HD)
Energy: 30
Immune: - -
Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +9

Spd: 20’ (4 squares), climb 15’ (3 squares)
Melee +12 Unarmed: 1d3+2 nonlethal
Ranged +17/+12/+7 Assault Rifle: 2d8 or by grenade type
Ranged +17/+12/+7 Laser Pistol: 3d6
Ranged +17 EMP Pistol: 3d6+1 electrical/nonlethal (Fort save DC13 or stunned 2d4 rounds)
Combat Gear: Orange and Black Light Combat Armor; OICW Assault Rifle (w/ 4 clips of 30 rounds each and box of 6 20mm Fragmentation Grenades); 2 Laser Pistols; EMP Pistol 

Str 15, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 15
SA/SQ: Racial Traits, Cybernetics, Genetic Enhancements

Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency (b); Builder (Craft – Electrical and Mechanical) (b); Burst Fire; Cautious; Combat Martial Arts; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Grenade Launcher); Far Shot; Precise Shot; Point Blank Shot; Two-Weapon Fighting

Skills: Appraise +4 (additional +2 w/ electrical and mechanical devices or weapons), Astrogate +14, Balance +17, Bluff +7, Climb +15, Computer Use +14, Craft (Electrical) +16, Craft (Mechanical) +16, Craft (Weaponsmith) +14, Demolitions +16, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +16, Disguise +2 (additional +2 to act in character), Drive +11, Intimidate +9, Jump +7, Knowledge (Streetwise) +13, Knowledge (Technology) +14, Pilot +15, Repair +14, Scent +13, Search +14, Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +13, Survival +3 (additional +2 to follow tracks), Swim +12, Tumble +7 

Possessions: As Combat Gear plus Charging Cables for energy pistols and Tool Kit.  Rocket also has an ever-changing variety of other high-tech equipment like jetpacks, explosives, remote detonators, and so on that he will bring depending on the current mission profile.

Height: 3'4”     Weight: 55 lbs.     Hair: Black, Brown and White     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Rocket is a bipedal, anthromorphic raccoon. He typically wears an orange and black jumpsuit and is armed with a variety of high-tech weapons, particularly firearms and explosives.

• Racial Abilities: Small Size (+1 bonus to AC and attack rolls; +4 bonus to Hide checks; Carrying capacity is 3/4 that of a medium creature with the same Strength); +2 racial bonus to Balance checks; +8 racial bonus to Climb checks, uses Str or Dex to determine modifier, whichever is better, and can always Take 10, even if rushed or threatened; Standard Meta-Senses (Sight and Scent) – Amplifier:  Low-Light Vision 

• Class Abilities: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and personal firearms and all types of armor and shields.
                Expert: Skill Versatility (choose any twelve skills to be class skills – selected skills are Astrogate, Balance, Computer Use, Craft, Demolitions, Disable Device, Knowledge (Technology), Pilot, Repair, Scent, Search, Spot); 2 bonus feats
                Warrior: Exotic Weapon Proficiency; 3 bonus feats 


• Standard Damage Resistance: Rocket's skeletal structure and musculature have been enhanced to make him stronger and more durable.  Damage from all attacks reduced by 1/6th (damage is applied after saving throws)
• Standard Meta-Senses (racial bonus): Like the Earthly mammal he resembles, Rocket has excellent senses of smell and vision, including night (light-intensifying) sight.  He gains a +3 bonus to Search/Spot and Scent checks.
Amplifier:  Low-Light Vision
• Standard Meta-Intellignce: Rocket's cerebral cortex was genetically enhanced meaning that unlike other members of his species he has a cognitive and intellectual equivalent or superior ability to most of the sentient species in the galaxy. He can talk and communicate with other species, as well as perform extremely complex tasks. Gains +4 bonus to Intelligence.
Standard Meta-Strength: Rocket's skeletal structure and musculature have been enhanced to make him stronger and more durable.  Gains +3 bonus to Strength
Amplifier: Rocket is considered one size category larger for purposes of wielding weapons.


• Napoleon Complex: Rocket is highly sensitive about his short stature and makes-up for this by being aggressive and assertive to others as a means of masking his various insecurities.

The version of Rocket was created using the Marvel Superheroes RPG and d20 Paragon rules.

“Reverse engineering” Rocket to 2nd edition was quite a bit harder than I expected since he doesn’t fit neatly into most of the classes given.  In the end, I decided to make him a multi-class Fighter/Thief and this is what I came up with.  I may have figured his Xp Value incorrectly given his fairly low health and poor AC but, this is more "flavor" than a hard and fast representation of his abilities...hmmm...maybe Star Frontiers would have been a better choice...

Rocket Raccoon: Male Raccoon Fighter 7/Thief 9

AC: 2 (Light Combat Armor, +4 from Dex)
MV: 8, Cl6
HD: 16
Hp: 59
Saves: PPD: 10, RSW: 10, PP: 10, BW: 12, Sp: 11
THAC0: 14
#Att: 3/2, 2/1 with firearms due to weapon specialization
Dmg: by weapon (see above)
Str: 15, Dex: 20, Con: 16, Int: 18, Wis: 17, Cha: 15
Wpn Prof: 6 slots total – 2 used for firearm specialization, other 4 on small melee weapons suitable for a thief (Dagger, Shortsword, etc)
Nonwpn Prof: 12 slots total – Appraising, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Direction Sense, Fire-building, Forgery, Jumping, Tumbling, Rope Use, Weaponsmithing
SA: Backstab x4
SD: Thief Skills PP75%, OL74%, F/RT59%, MS69%, HS64%, DN59%, CW95%, RL0%; Infravision 60’
SZ: S (3’4”)
ML: Champion (15-16)
Xp Value: 8,000


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