Sandman for Congress

In my opinion, the gaming table is no place for politics - at least, not those involving real life.  I, for one, have no desire to hear debates on Republicans vs Democrats and the evils associated with both.  The closest I have even ever come to an adventure was a side quest featuring a party of Smurfs.  A campaign based on intrigue, diplomacy, and espionage can be intensely satisfying and that brings me to the topic of today’s article.

Superheroes and villains holding office or wielding political power is nothing new in comic books or movies.  T’challa (Black Panther) is the king of Wakanda.  Dr. Doom rules over Latveria with an autocratic fist.  Lex Luthor was elected president of the United States.  Nick Fury, Tony Stark (Iron Man), Norman Osborn (the Green Goblin), and Steve Rogers (Captain America) have all been directors of S.H.I.E.L.D.  So, when I was out and about before work today and saw this sign posted in someone’s front yard in Duluth…

… I thought, “Flint Marko, Sandman, reformed criminal, member of the Avengers (at least on Earth-218) … sure, he’d make a viable candidate for the Senate.”  The shape of his campaign depends on the shape of your campaign at home.  If Flint Marko, or William Baker, if we are using his “real name”, is only marginally reformed, then maybe the pressures of his political travails will be enough to push him over the edge and back into a life of crime.  Perhaps some old allies from the various incarnations of the Sinister Six or Frightful Four will decide to pay him a visit to try and force him to do a couple “favors” for them.  Maybe those same ex-allies pop up at a rally or debate and create havoc at the event.  It could be that your player characters are tasked with keeping an eye on him to make sure nothing goes wrong or maybe they work for his or his opponent’s support staff.

And what happens if the Sandman DOES get elected?  Does he fall in with the “wrong” crowd, approached by lobbyists with special interest money who seek to sway him from his path of selfless public service?  Does he greedily accept every donation, advertising that his vote can be “bought” for the right price?  Where would he stand on the issues that the nation faces as a whole and his constituents specifically?  How would his duties with the Avengers conflict with his responsibilities to the people he is supposed to represent?  How would the media portray him as he makes his way through his first term, learning the ropes in the cutthroat world of the Washington D.C. political arena?

Sandman (real name: William Baker, a.k.a. Flint Marko)

Male Human (Mutant) Metahuman 16
CG Medium Humanoid
Init: +3; Senses: Listen +7, Spot +7
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English
AC: 13 (+3 Dex); t: 13, ff: 10
Hp: 76 (16HD)
Energy: 36
Immune: see below
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12

Spd: 30’ (6 squares); BAB+12
Melee +16/+11/+6 Unarmed: 1d3+19 nonlethal or Morphed Hand Weapon: 1d10+19
Ranged +15 “Sandblast”: 1d10

Str: 48, Dex: 16, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 11
SA/SQ: Mutant abilities

Feats: Awesome Presence (may use Str instead of Cha for Intimidate checks, max +10); Dodge; Extend Power (+1 energy cost) (b); Famous; Improved Dodge (additional +1 Dodge bonus to AC vs one opponent); Inner Strength (+3 energy, included above); Iron Will (b); Quicken Power (+1d3 energy cost) (b); Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)

Skills: Concentration +8, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +6, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Current Events) +3, Knowledge (Law) +4, Knowledge (Superhumans) +8, Listen +7, Open Lock +9, Spot +7

Possessions: - -

Height: 6’1”  Weight: 240 lbs (varies widely, depending on density of sand)     Hair: Brown     Eyes: Brown

Appearance: William Baker is a muscular middle-aged Caucasian man.  He has short brown hair.  The clothing he was wearing on the night he acquired his powers fused with his body so he always wears brown trousers and a green striped shirt.

• Class Abilities: Proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armor

        Chosen Metahuman Class Skills (Disable Device, Intimidate, Open Lock); 2 bonus Power or Metapower feats; 4 Power Enhancements

• Mutant Abilities: Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); +4 bonus on their initial Energy scores, LA +1; Metahuman is preferred class for multiclass purposes


• Ultra Body Transformation (Energy Cost: 5; Duration: 3 min/level) William can transform his entire body into sand as a move action.  While transformed he is immune to most physical attacks since they simply pass through him however he is still subject to attacks that directly target the material he has become (see weaknesses below).  While transformed he is treated as an object (immune to any effect that requires a Fort save unless it affects objects, gains Hardness, most materials divide damage from electricity by 2 and cold damage by 4 before Hardness is applied, immune to nonlethal damage and is not subject to critical hits; not affected by suffocation, drowning or inhaled gases).  While transformed, he can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all he was wearing or holding in his hands.

                (Amplifier): Non-Continuous Material
                (Reducer): Sand only, includes both loose granules and compact sandstone
• (Amplifier) Ultra Brawn: When transformed into his sand form, William gains a +30 bonus to his Strength score and DR6 vs. kinetic attacks; uses Str or Dex, whichever is lower to determine attack bonus
                • Reducer – must be transformed to use this ability.
• Amplifier – Growth (varies), can absorb sand to increase in size, gaining increased bonuses to Strength.  The amount of sand needed for each “tier” of growth varies.  Standard requires an amount equal to the volume of his normal body; Improved Growth requires at least 5 cubic yards of sand while Ultra Growth requires 10 cubic yards; the strength bonus from Growth stacks with the bonus from Brawn.
                • Reducer – must be in contact with sand to use this ability
• Standard Elongation: While transformed into sand, William can stretch his limbs to increase his reach by one step (from 5’ to 10’).  Outside of combat, he can reach things that are ten feet away or step over barriers that are 10’ high.
                • (Reducer): Must be transformed into sand to use this ability
• Standard Morphing: (Energy Cost: 3, Duration: 3 min/level): The Sandman can turn his hands into powerful hammers or maces and strike opponents with them for 1d10+Str bonus damage or reduce their consistency into a “sand blast” that deals 1d10 damage instead.  He must pay the energy cost separately for each limb to be transformed.
                • (Reducer): Must be transformed into sand to use this ability


• Heat and flame based attacks cause his body to fuse into glass
• High strength winds (steady over 31 mph) tear his sand body into helpless particles
• Water-based lifeforms or attacks (volume equal to his own body) turn him into mindless sludge


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