Day Four of the Odinsleep (The Svartalfar Beaten Back?)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (Noon- 5pm)

Korbin’s dream begins once more – Ginnugagap, the confluence of ice and fire, the creation of the Nine Realms, the rise of the gods and Thor’s death.  All remains the same until the duel atop the rainbow outside of the city.  This time, instead of Loki battlign the warrior, a hideous monstrosity stitched together from parts and pieces taken from the Einherjar, the Jotun, Svartalfar, and wyrms faces off against the fighter.  Loki’s would-be slayer is killed by the wretched abomination and Loki goes on to divert the arrival of the fire demons through illusions, lies and other beguilements.  As the demons withdraw, Loki takes the high seat in the gods’ mead hall for himself.
- - - - - - - - - -

Idunn glances toward the approaching Svartalfar out of the corner of her eye and makes a soft buzzing sound.  Three bees fly from the grove and land in her outstretched hand.  She murmurs softly while passing her hand over the insects and they fly toward the dark elves.  As the bees close in, their size expands exponentially until they are as large as polar bears.  The dark elves slow and begin backing away from the massive bees.  The drones rear back, their stingers exposed as they hover in front of the Svartalfar line.

Desmond holds his ground.  The appearance of the bees unexpected causes him to begin salivating and he mouth the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, ready to strike should the Svartalfar makes it past Hansuke and the giant insects.

Arthur races toward the attackers, bearing down on the centermost of their advance.  Lawbringer blazes with holy light and bursts into flames as the First Paladin of Malazzarr closes on the enemy.  The Svartalfar thrusts at the knight with his spear and sparks fly as the weapon’s thrust draws a thin line across Arthur’s breastplate.  The warrior from Lankhmar brings his sword up and over in a blazing arc as he cries out “FOR MALAZZARR!”  The silvered sword strikes true and energy rushes down the blade as Arthur smites the dark elf.  The Svartalfar is knocked back a pair of steps by the force of the blow but manages to remain on his feet.

Ra’ziir sees the battle is well in hand so he drops over the side of the wall, going into a dive as he plunges toward the trolls at the bottom of the wall.

Grotto snarls and (silently) curses the arrival of the giant bee that is blocking his view of the enemy but he trundles forward, ducking and dodging in between the bodies of his companions and hurls his mighty axe once again.  The heavy blade spins end over end as it tumbles through the air.  The Svartalfar his throw is intended for sees the axe coming at the last moment and twists aside, using the bee as cover.  The insect stabs at the dark elf with its stinger but the point just scraps the outer surface of the elf’s chain armor and is turned aside while Grotto’s axe comes flying back to its master’s hand.

Cedron raises his sword to attack the nearest of the Svartalfar and the Witching Cloak lashes out – the ends of the cape wrap themselves around the extended arms of his attacker and hold on tightly.  The dark elf struggles to free itself and gets one arm loose but the priest steps in close and begins jabbing his opponent in the stomach with his singing sword.  Blood pours from multiple wounds as the entrapped warrior tries to get away, running down his tunic and the tops of his legs to pool atop the flagstones of the wall.

Drax bids his time, wait for the precise moment to strike, remaining unobtrusive and unnoticed as the enemy closes in.

Kysek grits his teeth in frustration and twists his ring, vanishing from sight.  He mutters, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” as he draws his shortswords from their scabbards and prepares to plunge into the melee.

Hansuke’s hands flash into a blur as he steps in close, pounding the Svartalfar standing before him.  Thundering blows crack into the elf’s ribs and sternum with punishing force.  Elbows and knees slam into the sides of the dark elf’s head and groin.  As the tattooed monk spins away, the Svartalfar is swaying on his feet.

Niklas snaps off a couple of shots with his bow but the Svartalfar manages to avoid the arrows as they rain down toward him.

Morn lashes with his whip again.  The silvered leather slices through the air with a deafening crack as it snakes out, seeking the feet of his target.  The thong tears into the dark elf’s calf and rips away a huge chunk of flesh.  The elf stumbles but remains standing just long enough for the whip to come back around and split open his femoral artery.  The Svartalfar lets out a pained yelp before collapsing onto the ground in a spreading pool of its own blood.

The dark elves respond with fury as one of their own falls.  The two closest to the bees thrust with their wickedly tipped spears, trying to drive back the giant insects so they can reach their actual targets.  Both bees are struck and ichor leaks from their wounds but they remain flying and the injuries seem to enrage them as their buzzing takes on an even higher pitch than before.

Hansuke’s foe stabs at him with his spear.  The monk twists and spins, evading the blows as he maneuvers back into position for another flurry of attacks.  Cedron is clipped, almost accidentally by his blood-soaked foe and receives a thin gash across his left leg.

One of the dark elves breaks from the pack and rushes toward Idunn.  Drax and Kysek both move to intercept him.  Drax’s blade penetrates the dark elf’s chain armor, sinking deeply into his heart while Kysek’s strike rips through the throat of the enemy.

Another closes in on Drax while another loops around behind the elf fighting Cedron.  Drax easily evades the blow of his enemy but Cedron, now caught between two of the Svartalfar throws a quick jab with his blade, skewering his new attacker but not slowing him enough to keep from being attacked.  The Svartalfar’s spear sinks deeply into his calf, just narrowly missing his hamstring as it plunges in from above and pain courses through the minstrel’s body.

The final two rush in at Arthur.  The paladin punches one in the face with his shield, stopping his advance and his armor turns the attack of the other as more sparks are struck from his armored torso.

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Ra’ziir drops in from above, his fiery sword blazing as he closes in on the nearest troll.  The flaming blade bites deeply into sickly green flesh.  The troll roars and slashes with its wickedly curved claws but the half-elemental elf is already past him and turning in preparation for another attack.

Raven risks a look over his shoulder out at the waters of the fjord.  The massive serpents are drawing ever closer to the god standing alone in the surf.  The elf screams out an incoherent battle cry and slashes once with Nightwatcher at the ogre on his left.  The blow rips through the hide armor of the ogre and opens a long wound across the brute’s stomach.  Raven snarls and thrusts his blade into the gaping hole and pierces the monster’s heart.  The ogre lurches to a halt and topples forward, crashing face first onto the battlefield.  The elf struggles for a moment pulling his weapon free as the other ogre closes in on him but tears the sword loose and stabs the giant through its right arm.

Shadow flies toward the Ogre as it looms over Raven and recites the words “Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha”.  Five glowing darts burst from his fingers and streak through the air, pelting the monster in the face and chest.  The blasts prove to be too much for the ogre and it tumbles backwards, smoke pouring from its corpse as it hits the ground.  The drow is beside his companion a moment later and together, the two continue their race toward the shoreline.

The remaining ogres and trolls wade in, smashing Einherjar with massive hammers and rending with vicious claws.  Two of the defenders fall, slain by the overwhelming strength of the enemy.
= = = = = =
• Haste – all except Korbin and Raven (14 rounds remaining)

• Arthur: 100% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 69% health; (True Seeing – 10 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)
• Desmond: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health;
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Hansuke: 97% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health;
• Morn: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Fly (16 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (16 hours, 59 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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