Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 2)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Shortly after Sunrise)

Grotto's eyes grow wide at the bounty laid before him. "Are these fruits born from your life-giving trees?" Idunn just smiles and motions for the scarred dwarf to approach the table. Grotto partakes in all the food and drink before him. Noticing the pitcher of cider seems ever full, he empties his mug many times! Grotto's strong tolerance to intoxicating substances help to keep him steady on his feet, or so thinks the dwarf. It is early in the day, the pipeweed and cider have his vision blurred and his tongue loose. Grotto, still in a celebratory victorious mood, stands before the group. "Let us meet the great All-Father! He has slept thru the best parts of the battles, not to mention the celebrations! We have to catch him up! Surely he will want to toast this great victory! Let's get him some lamb and cider!!" Grotto says looking at all. "After such a long sleep, he must be famished!"

Idunn nods and smiles politely, wondering how such a wild dwarf found his way into the company of such deadly warriors.

Kysek looks around. “No battles today? That’s certainly a welcome change.” The thief states matter of factly.

Raven stops and turns his head toward the goddess, "What is Ragnarok?" 
Arthur, who was absent during the previous day's fighting leans in, trying to catch up on all that he missed.

At this, the goddess' smile disappears, "It is the end of Asgard. Fire demons destroy all you see, nearly all of us gods are killed. Odin is devoured by the Fenris Wolf, Thor slays the Midgard Serpent but dies in turn. This is what the Einherjar are training to fight, a chance to avert this doom. I also seek to plan a way for my people to reach safety should the worst come to pass."

After listening to Idunn, Niklas grabs a couple of the apples and heads over toward Kysek. Handing him an apple, he asks “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could you help me to better understand magical abilities? I have a basic understanding of how magic works which has enabled me to do cast some basic spells but I want to learn to make better use of my abilities.”

Foreseeing this meeting to offer the last opportunity to lounge and enjoy the bounties offered by a goddess, Ra’ziir accepts graciously. He first pours himself some cider before selecting a pastry. The Elfemental then finds a comfortable cushioned chair to sit in. Settling in to listen to Idunn, Ra’ziir turns his immediate attention to the refreshments as he waits to hear what the goddess has to say.

Shadow says to Cedron “Well let’s get home and let your beard go grey before you start enjoying your eternal rest.  Till then enjoy some cider and food. Us mortals need to eat you know!”

Cedron laughs in response to Shadow’s comment. “Indeed! I’m much too young to begin my second career of arguing with old grey beards while sipping tea on the porch. Cider and long swords will be my life for now!”

Shadow nods in agreement and says “Keep swinging my friend.”

Cedron turns to Iduun. “Thank you for your generosity and wisdom, goddess. We are blessed to walk the path of progress. Please, direct me to where I may plant my seed,” he says sincerely without the slightest bit of innuendo.

Idunn laughs lightly, "This way, priest. I have a small clearing just to the side here."

Cedron kneels in the arbor, feeling the soft earth beneath him. He scoops out a small hole with one hand before drawing a green seed from the pouch he was given on the Isle of Iron Statues. As before, he notes that it is warm to the touch. He then begins to pray.

Malazzarr, Divine Architect of Progress, 
Creator of that which makes our lives better; Risen Lord of Progress, Cornerstone of our Faith, Lover of us all; 
Spirit of Wisdom, Builder of Community, 
Our Inspiration and Guide; 
You call us to build up Our Kingdom. 

Bless us with generous hearts, open minds, greater unity, renewed vision, as we seek to build a house for celebration and worship. 
May it be a home where all are 
welcomed, nourished, and empowered 
to be Progress for others,
to be Progress for all.

May we all see the light, and Blessed Be the Path of Progress”

Heavenly Father of Progress, Author and Inspirer of all things, hear our prayers for our new Church.
May this seed grow in the light of Progress
Send forth Your Spirit that we may humbly be guided by Your Divine Will.

Touch our hearts with true generosity to rise up for the inspiration and renewal of all Your faithful.
Blessed Be the Path of PROGRESS!”

Cedron drops the seed into the hole amd them covers it with the rich soil. He quickly stands and moves back, motioning for the others to do the same.

Seconds later, light begins to pour up from the earth, illuminating the grove and, for a few moments, outshines the sun itself. Twigs burst from the ground, stretching toward the sky and fanning outward as bare wooden fingers reaching for the sky. Those fingers grow buds, that burst into blooms as leaves grow, filling in the open spaces between branches. The trunk erupts from the earth, expanding rapidly and spreading its limbs. In moments, the tree is as tall as any in Idunn’s Grove and heavily laden with bright red apples. 

One of the lines in the bark begins to glow, expanding to form a rectangular doorway filled with light. Moments later, 
two men, step out of the light. The first is tall and thin, dressed in the loose-fitting breeches of a circus performer and a vest that leaves his bare chest exposed. The other, also lean, has a brave of pistols riding his hips and a wide-brimmed hat. Knives clears his throat, "Hey fellas, Chronosaj and I got tired of babysitting Hamelin and thought we would rejoin you. Jack and Jill send greetings.

They are followed by a short, barefoot, curly haired figure steps out of the opening. A broad smile splits his face, "Took you long enough! I've been waiting at Mal's temple in Lankhmar for months!" He looks from one party member to the next, his eyes stopping briefly on Niklas and Grotto and the confused face of Raven, before continuing, "Clones, never leave home without one brewing. Anybody want to tell me how I died?"
- - - - -
• Arthur: 100% health 
• Cedron: 100% health
• Chronosaj: 100% health 
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow), 
• Grotto: 100% health
• Knives: 100% health 
• Kysek: 100% health; 75% of the Tome has been read;
• Niklas: 100% health
• Raven: 100% health
• Ra’ziir: 100% health
• Romulus: 100% health
• Shadow: 100% health


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