KMEL News Stories

As Dungeon Masters, we want our players to feel like the world their characters operate comes across as "lived in", like they are part of something larger than just the campaign they are participating in. This can be accomplished via "tavern talk" where they hear about the exploits of various NPCs in your setting or in a modern setting by what they see or hear on television or the radio. Commercials and news stories that are playing in the background can add depth to a world and even provide an opportunity to drop in little Easter Eggs , referencing bits of pop culture pulled from a variety of sources. On Earth-218 , these ads and stories could include: • This evening's news is brought to you by our sponsor, U2 Moving Crew, We Move in Mysterious Ways. • This evening's news is brought to you by our sponsor, Chonky 's, Home of the Big Chungus! If you're hungry, Chonky's has what you need! • We will return to the "New Adventures of Mermaid Ma...