Silvanost - A History Lesson

08 Hiddumont 348 AC

“When holding up is all you have left, it makes it easier than one might think m’lady.”, Kysek replies in a softened tone. “One day; there will be a triumphant return. It will be then that I can teach my son all that I have learned in my journeys through time and space.” The Knight of the Barrie Grange takes a breath, setting his will to match his words. Tephysea lays on hand on his shoulder, "My husband, Onforithalas, and I will do whatever we are able to prove your words true."

Arthur is stunned by the silver haired woman's beauty, "It is a pleasure to meet you lady Agnesallyn. What you have heard about us is correct we do try and protect the good and seek to preserve all that remains. If you wouldn't mind telling me more of these lands and people so that I may better understand you as a whole I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer you with what I know." He bows slightly to the elven girl, not trusting himself to say more yet.

“Agnes, I like that name.” Cedron smiles as he speaks. “It reminds of a wise caregiver from my childhood.” He pauses searching for a way to simplify his question. “This cataclysm you mentioned, are ALL gods resented by mortals here? The damage they caused must have been truly horrible, but perhaps some of the divine fought to protect them?”

"It's... complicated," Agnes pauses, collecting her thoughts, "to answer that, you will need a history lesson. At the end of the Third Dragon War, the Solamnic Knight Huma, later known as Huma Dragonbane, and his dragon ally, Heart, fought the dark goddess, Takhisis, and were able to wound her with a Dragonlance, though both were struck mortal injuries in the process. Before he died, Huma forced the goddess to promise to leave Krynn along with all her dragons in exchange for pulling the lance from one of her necks." Agnes smiles sadly, "This great victory of Good over Evil set the stage for the disaster that was to come. Spurred on by the Kingpriest of Istar, the forces of 'good' ran rampant, punishing anyone who failed to live up to their ideals. The Kingpriest, who became convinced that only he could see what he considered to be the right path. He destroyed temples and expelled followers of the Neutral Gods, as well. With time, his obsession drove him to also destroy even "heretic" followers of the Gods of Light. The gods responded with several warnings about the Kingpriest's overweening pride but, the man would not be swayed and continued to demand the gods bow to his demands." She shifts in her seat before continuing, "He sought to destroy all Wizards of High Sorcery, causing the Order to destroy the Towers of High Sorcery in Losarcum and Daltigoth in self-defense. He accused Paladine, leader of the Gods of Light, of being too weak to completely destroy evil and called for the destruction of the ogre races, and the relocation of the dwarves and kender. For his sins, the gods punished Istar by hurling a fiery mountain down upon it and then retreated, promising to return once we mortals came to them with humility and asked for their forgiveness. The continent was reshaped. Lands vanished in an instant, reduced to rubble or swallowed by the sea. Famine and disease claimed more lives in the years that followed and so, so many of us blamed the gods who remain silent to this day." Agnes reaches the end of her tale and looks at Arthur and Cedron, "There are some few who still have faith, but they are few."

Cedron clears his throat, “As you may have guessed a few of us are of great faith of a good god that seeks to improve the lives of mortals. I’m interested in locating a nearby refuge where I may attempt to commune with the God of Progress, and seek his divine wisdom. Is there a place you’d recommend? A simple clearing would suffice. The grandiose is not on the path of progress.”

Agnes nods, "There is a clearing not far from the city that should be sufficient for your needs. I am certain that King Lorac will not care one way or the other as he is embroiled in negotiations to keep the Dragonarmies out of our realm."

After speaking with Cedron, Raven resumes his training. He recruits some of the escorts assigned to watch over the party by Onforithalas to help set up straw dummies of opponents and rushes at them, drawing his blades mid-run to strike with greater momentum.

Grotto notices Raven's fine training set up. He greats Raven with a grin. "How's about some light sparring to keep our skills up in this magically neglected land? I promise I'll go easy on you!" Grotto says with a smirk!

Raven grins wryly, "I'm certain you will." The swordsman pulls a strip of cloth from one of his pockets and ties it around his eyes. He draws his swords, takes a calming breath and nods to his scarred dwarf friend. "Ready when you are."

Grotto hefts his axe and rushes the elf. Raven darts to one side and swats his partner with both of his blades. "Your breathing is so loud, I could have shot you in the dark," Raven chuckles.

Knives returns from his shopping trip, practice blades tucked under his arm and bagful of fire elixirs slung over one shoulder. Thoughts of sparring drift back to him, vying with finding a place for the next Planting.


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