Year-Round Shorts Guy
I am a Year-Round Shorts Guy. I hate wearing pants. When the mercury in the thermometer starts to travel upwards of 50°F, I start to sweat. If I am not working or attending a more "formal" event like a wedding, I will be in shorts. But this week, the low temperatures were between -25° and -29°F and that was beyond my ability to tolerate for more than just a few minutes at a time. I walked to the gas station across the street last night and there was an older gentleman who saw me and asked specifically if I always wear shorts and I told him pretty much what I just told you. He simply smiled and nodded in seeming agreement, paid for his purchase and left. That got me to thinking and that thinking led to this.
"It's not the cold, it's the wind/damp." - common quote from a Year-Round Shorts Guy
The base creature is unchanged but gains the following:
Special Qualities: Not That Cold
Not That Cold (Ex): The Year-Round Shorts Guy is able to tolerate low temperatures without discomfort. He treats extreme cold (below 0°F) as regular cold weather. An unprotected character in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15, + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. He gains a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saves to resist frostbite and hypothermia.
Extreme cold (below -20°F) is treated as severe cold. In these conditions, an unprotected character must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. Wearing winter clothing (beyond a light jacket) negates this ability.
Becoming a Year-Round Shorts Guy is a very simple process. A creature needs to male five consecutive successful Fortitude saves against cold on five consecutive days. (A total of 25 consecutive successes). A single failure means the creature must restart the process from the beginning.
This template must be reacquired at the beginning of every winter for five consecutive winters. Once this is done, the template is permanent.
If a Year-Round Shorts Guy moves to an area where the winters do not reach temperatures that reach the lows he has acclimated to for more than five consecutive winters, he will lose this template.
This template must be reacquired at the beginning of every winter for five consecutive winters. Once this is done, the template is permanent.
If a Year-Round Shorts Guy moves to an area where the winters do not reach temperatures that reach the lows he has acclimated to for more than five consecutive winters, he will lose this template.
For AD&D, the Year-Round Shorts Guy gains a +2 bonus to save vs nonmagical cold.
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