Silvanost - Sparring and the State of the World
"You can join us," Raven offers.
Knives responds that he would like that but didn't want to presume to which the elf replies, "I'm always willing to fight, pretty much anytime, anywhere."
As Grotto and Knives spar with Raven, the dwarf realizes that while he is a better offensive fighter than Knives, the ex-mayor of Hamelin, is nearly impossible to hit. "Teach me some of your fancy elf moves", the dwarf says to Raven. Knives notices that there is a strong similarity between the elf and the dwarf's fighting styles - both emphasize powerful strikes with Raven being the faster of the two. As the fight goes along, Knives explains how he had just returned from getting a feel for the city, especially the ways out should the need arise. Raven nods, "Good idea, we seem welcome but with our 'honor guard' always close by, our hosts may be less hospitable than they appear. Were you able to find any ways out that may be a bit more 'private' while you were out?"
All three train until they are exhausted. After he is done, Grotto asks Raven and Knives if they would like to join him at the tavern for food and drinks
After hours of practice, Raven shakes his head. "I've said it before, I try to treat my body like a temple instead of a tent, Master Dwarf. Drinking with you is likely more dangerous than all of the monsters we have ever faced all at once." The Elf waves one hand, shooing away a bee that buzzes near his head as he sheathes his swords and tucks his blindfold into his belt.
"Well then don't wait up! I'll see you later in the day. I'm going to buy some maidens mead until they find me to be the most handsome dwarf they have laid their eyes on. I sure hope there is enough mead in town for that to happen!" Grotto says with a deep laugh.
Grotto washes up to look as presentable as possible before heading to the tavern for some merriment! "Where all the white women at!" Grotto says as he walks through the door.
Kysek turns to his hosts and says, “I appreciate your hospitality; M’Lord, M’Lady. I really should return to my companions though. If I’ve learned anything from our recent travels; it’s that there is always a task we need to complete before we can be transported to our next adventure. That being said; I understand, this is a weird question. I do figure you may best be the people I should ask. Are there any major wrongs in your realm that need corrected? That seems to be our purpose wherever we travel. I figure; it couldn’t hurt to ask?”
Onforithalas gives Kysek’s question about half of a second to brew before he answers, "There are rumors that the Dark Queen has returned and brought the evil dragons back with her - another Dragon War is brewing."
“This is the type of thing we are looking for! As we make way to return to my friends; tell me more! Let’s away with haste my friend!” That being said, Kysek turns to follow Ornforithalas’ lead to his companions.
The guard captain wastes no time in bringing Kysek up to speed on what he knows. "Last year, chromatic dragons were reported as being seen in a few isolated places. The initial sightings were dismissed as no dragons have been seen since the end of the last Dragonwar. Then, without warning, the dragons overran Nordmar. They were supported by large numbers of goblins. The horsemen of the Khur nation allied with the dragons and their minions and conquered Balifor and Goodlund before surrounding our lands. King Lorac made a treaty with the Dragonarmies to keep them out of Silvanestri. My scouts have been watching them ever since. That's why we were so concerned when you and your comrades arrived unannounced on our very doorstep. There were worries that you had been sent to infiltrate our defenses to pave the way for an invasion. Some of our sages believe that Takhisis herself has come to Krynn given the disappearance of her constellation. A few among us take hope that the vanishing of Paladine's, constellation means that he has come to oppose her but since none of the metallic dragons have been seen anywhere, that hope is considered remote."
Cedron turns to Arthur. “Care to make our way to the clearing? Perhaps some prayer and planting of Seed of Progress will help us commune with Malazzarr? My only concern is that this time shift may have caused cosmic shift that disrupts our attempts, but the only way to know for sure is to try. No action, no progress.”
Cedron tells the others his intent. He welcomes anyone else who wishes to join him in the clearing. “Perhaps I’ll practice my flute a bit on the way there.” he says to himself.
Kysek arrives with Onforithalas and is about to explain what he believes our purpose in the world to be while Cedroj is telling the group about his plan. He cautions Cedron, “In this realm, my wife is but a child and my son has yet to exist. Planting this could be a great thing, however; it could be disastrous as well.”
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