Silvanost - After the Planting

09 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR)

Knives decides hunting Goblins is a job for tomorrow. Knives glances around the tavern to see if there are any attractive ladies without the burden of male companions. He tries to strike up a conversation with a few different women but each time, he is met with polite indifference. One of the women snootily tells the thief-acrobat that she wouldn't sully herself to lay with a human before taking her drink and walking away.

Upon hearing there are goblins near and causing trouble, Grotto becomes very agitated. "They must all die and suffer. We must exterminate this vermin. Hanseath will be overjoyed that I spill the blood of these animals. Let us hunt these Goblins!" Grotto says to Knives. The scarred dwarf leaves the tavern to seek out his companions to tell them what he has learned.

Kysek and Onforithalas attend the Planting. After the planting, he asks, “A dragon war? This cannot be a small thing? But I am sure there must be smaller things in the happening that would lead us to the larger?” He turns to Ornfornithalas and asks, “Has there been smaller actions leading to this belief?”

The guard captain shrugs, "Goblin spoor has been found, footprints as well, but the trails always go cold. The creatures cover their tracks well."

Agnes claps. "That was very exciting! What happens next?" The silver-haired elf looks at Arthur and notices that he looks confused. Her voice trails off and she places one hand on his shoulder, offering quiet support.

Cedron stands before the tree in awestruck reverence of the power of his god, Malazzarr. He waits in silence for his connection to be restored or at least some contact to reassure him that he walks the correct path. “Gods do work in mysterious ways after all.” He thinks to himself. “Remain humble, and do not assume you know their ways.” He affirms as he waits patiently. The empty courtyard and its swirling fog remain silent. There is .... nothing, no sense of anything within.

Arthur tries to pray once again to see if he can feel anything. The First Paladin of Malazzarr kneels and closes his eyes, stretching out with his feelings. He too, feels nothing but absence where his god should be.

Raven approaches the tree and holds out one hand, using the Portal Analysis abilty that Shaundakul grants to Knights of the Shadow Sword to see what went wrong. He extends his right arm and opens his hand, intending to feel along the edge of the magical field surrounding the doorway but, like his friends, his divine connection leads nowhere and he tells his friends as much. 


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