Day Four of the Odinsleep (Boon of the Sea Gods)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (8pm)

Raven stops, “Wait a moment, did you say ‘End of the World’?  Do you know what Loki’s plan is?”

Korbin cocks his head to one side, scarcely paying attention to the conversation as he eyes the gleaming treasures spread out before him, “Ya, Raven, I guess I do know.”

Raven is about to press for more information when he hears “A foolish pair of mortals sought to aid me this morn during the battle.  In doing so, even though I neither asked for nor needed their help, they protected my daughters from peril.  My wife and I would award them a boon and so command them to step forward!”

Raven looks up and then back at the crow.  He opens his mouth to speak but notices that a hush has fallen over the room and most eyes are looking his way.  He rises from his seat and makes his way through the crowd, joining Shadow in front of the sea deity.  The dark elf bows his head slightly as a show of respect, “It was an honor fighting alongside you, my lord.”  As Raven arrives, Arthur says, “I will take my leave then.  Have a pleasant evening.” The paladin bows and heads back outside.

Raven thinks to himself, “Unbelievable.  This group is truly jaded” as Arthur leaves.  “What would it take impress us, I wonder?”

Desmond continues to eat and drink as he watches and listens to what is transpiring.  Cedron pauses in his antics when Ægir enters.  As he turns to pay attention to what is happening, he muses, “Inspiration is a fickle mistress.  Sometimes she denies her creative juices, leaving you parched and distraught.  And other times she lets loose a deluge of glorious expression, flooding you with hope and life.”

“Kneel, and receive your gifts,” the god commands.  “Henceforth from this day, by my command, you shall move with the grace and speed of the leopard seal in water.”  Ægir touches both elves on the shoulders and a tingling sensation spreads through their bodies before fading away.

The giant woman steps into her husband’s place.  A moment later, she is no taller than either of the two elves.  Ran leans in and kisses Raven briefly and then Shadow for an uncomfortably long time before pulling away.  She smiles, displaying the teeth of a shark as the tip of one finger traces a line down the drow’s chest.  “By my blessing, you shall have the breath of the otter.  Know that my net will not call you quickly to Aegirheim should you slip beneath the waves.”  Her gaze lingers on Shadow a few moments longer before she withdraws her hand.  She adds, “Almost a pity.  You would find that my daughters and I are most gracious hostesses and our hospitality can extend for…centuries.”

Ægir rolls his eyes and clears his throat.  Ran steps back to take her place beside her husband.  “Our daughters have brought mead for our hosts, aged for a thousand years, in barrels built from the wreck of Brunhilde's fleet,” the god looks at Shadow for a moment, “it's not meant for mortal men.”

“If a drow like Shadow, who looks like the very enemy we are fighting, can catch the eye of a maiden (or goddess for that matter), maybe my ground meat of a face can also catch somebody’s eye!” thinks Grotto.  The dwarf looks around for a pretty maiden or handsome warrior, “Beggars can’t be choosers!”  The dwarf makes his way through the crowd, suddenly very self-conscious and insecure.  He closes his eyes for a moment and calls a song to the fore of his mind to distract his nervousness.

Ra’ziir and Kysek return to their studies after the sea god and his wife have finished.  Kysek brings up the possibility of trying to ‘possess’ a Jotun but is concerned for the safety of his own body while the spell is in effect as he would want to be able to return to it when either the magic expires or the Jotun is slain.


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